Tag: guide dog

An accessible hotel near Disney’s Main Gate in Anaheim

palm tres and blue sky can be seen in this image of the front of the Springhill suites

The SpringHill suites is a few minutes walk from the main gate of Disneyland. The hotel offers friendly staff and a full breakfast included.  Check out our accessibility review.    SpringHill Suites by Marriott Anaheim Maingate an accessible review “Traveling, without sight, is an extraordinary journey of exploration. In theRead More …

Accessible review of Royal Caribbean 3 day cruise from Long Beach to Mexico

The coastline at La Bufadora. large craggy rock sticks out of the ocean. BThe sky is blue and low mountains can be seen in the background. In the foreground, plusing waves can be seen.

Our review of the three day cruise from Long Beach to Ensenada Mexico is live! check it out!  Accessible review of Royal Caribbean 3 day cruise from Long Beach to Mexico. Was it accessible for blind travelers? https://www.blindtravels.com/royal-caribbean-3-day-cruise-long-beach-to-ensenada/ #TravelTuesday #blind #disabled @RoyalCaribPR “Traveling, without sight, is an extraordinary journey ofRead More …

Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa New Mexico

The Hyatt Regency Tamaya resort and spa view from our room at sunset. The trees are in fall bloom and the mountain had a few clouds above it

Have you checked out our reviews section lately? Today’s new offering is a review of the accessibility at the Tamaya Resort.  Recently, my guide dog Fauna and I journeyed to the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa in New Mexico. Let’s talk about the #accessibility at this unique destination desertRead More …

Traceability codes for guide dogs get their debut at the 2022 Paralympic Games

blind travels logo, text and silhouette of guide dog and handler

At the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, 68 guide dogs were selected as special volunteers to help the athletes. These dogs all have a new identification QR code, which, when scanned provide important details about the guide dog. The new  identification system is integrated into China’s product quality traceability system, whichRead More …

Wandering in Wyoming

Blind Travels blog logo a silhouette of a photographer with a guide dog in harness.

I live in northern Colorado, and it is only a couple hour drive to Wyoming. With all the COVID restrictions starting to ease a bit, traveling has become a bit safer and more fun. Throughout 2020, I stayed pretty close to home like we all did, but ever after thingsRead More …

Thank you Pup Talk!

Fauna, my black lab guide dog sits on the ground high in the mountains of Colorado. She is surrounded by beautiful mountains;

A big shout out and thank you to Pup Talk for the great article on BlindTravels! You guys are awesome.  https://pup-talk.com/article32.html

Why do guide dogs stop at every corner?

Blind Travels blog logo a silhouette of a photographer with a guide dog in harness.

A guide dog and their handler are considered a team, they go everywhere together, and the dog is responsible for not only keeping their handler safe from obstacles, but also providing subtle cues for the location of the team along their route. The other day, I crossed a street andRead More …

Covid-19 and Travel

Blind travels logo, text with a silhouette of a guide dog in harness.

As the coronavirus (covid-19) continues to spread around the world, many concerns have arisen about travel, especially with a guide dog. This blog is non-political, so don’t expect me to “bash” the current administration for their effectiveness in dealing with this virus. Instead, I would like to share with myRead More …

Flying on Southwest with a Guide Dog

Fauan the Guide Dog sitting in the bulkhead seat on Southwest airlines

We arrived at the airport very early for our flight on Southwest to San Francisco from Denver. I was traveling with my wife and Fauna my guide dog, and we checked in at the kiosk without issue. The attendant asked if Fauna was a service animal and I stated thatRead More …

Tips for packing for your guide dogs food

Blind Travels dog logo

Traveling with a guide dog is always an adventure, the more you plan ahead the smoother your trip will usually go. This week begins hotel week here on BlindTravels.com where we focus on tips and tricks to make staying in a hotel with a guide dog easier. Each day weRead More …

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