Category: 3d printers

We have launched our accessible art project

A person stands in front of a table with tactile art and photos. The person is touching the tactile rendering of a photo. Ted, a middle-aged man holding a cane stands on the other side of the table explaining the art. Ted has long hair, and a long grey beard.

Over the fourth of July week, my wife Carrie and I were in Orlando at the National Federation of the Blind national convention. This is the largest gathering of blind and vision impaired people in the United States, and we could not think of a better place to debut theRead More …

Lancaster Museums enable Visually Impaired People to appreciate arts collection through 3D Printed Versions of Paintings

blind travels logo, text and silhouette of guide dog and handler

Making art accessible 3d printing has come a long way in a very short time. I love that museums and other art institutes are utilizing this technology to make art of all kinds accessible to the visually impaired. From the article: Lancaster district’s art collection will soon be brought to lifeRead More …

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