Flying on Southwest with a Guide Dog

We arrived at the airport very early for our flight on Southwest to San Francisco from Denver. I was traveling with my wife and Fauna my guide dog, and we checked in at the kiosk without issue. The attendant asked if Fauna was a service animal and I stated that she was. I was ready for the other question, what service she provides, but that question never came. This was perhaps because the harness with Guide Dogs for the Blind was clearly visible. After completing our time with the TSA, we took the tram to concourse C, which is where Southwest is located. As you exit the tram and enter the main foyer of the concourse, there is a pet relieving room located on the left just past the McDonalds. We relieved and headed to our gate. They automatically marked us for early boarding, and we settled into the bulkhead for our flight.
I have always found Southwest planes to be comfortable, and Fauna always has plenty of room even when not sitting in the bulkhead seats (she only weighs 59 pounds). The flight attendants were attentive and respectful, and we arrived in San Francisco without issue. I know many read these blogs to comment about the mishaps that happen when traveling with a Guide Dog, but in this case the flight to and from San Francisco was flawless. My only comment is that compared to other airlines, Southwest employees don’t tend to ask if you need assistance getting to your destination/gate like other airlines like United and American do. Good Job Southwest.
Stay tuned for more tips and feel free to contact me on any of my social media links below if you have a tip to add for hotel week!
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