Category: Uncategorized

Things have been a bit bonkers for me.

Sorry for the absence, and thank you for all the message and well wishes while I was away. I needed some time over the last few months to resolve some family issues. Thigs are finally back on track and I’m back and refreshed. I’ll be posting some new travel tipsRead More …

Housekeeping stuff…

Couples Sans Souci resort in Jamaica. a beautiful orange sunset over the ocean. Low mountains can be seen in the distance. More hazy mountains can be seen in the far distance. A few long clouds are illuminated by the orange sunset.

All of the images on the site have been updated with descriptions that should now work properly with screen readers. If anyone is still having issues, please feel free to drop me an email and I will get it sorted out. I need/want this site to be as accessible asRead More …

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