Tag: Social Media
Do blind people use Instagram?
May 16, 2021
By: Ted
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Posted in Education, Instagram, photography, Social MediaTags: #accessibility, #blind, #lowvision, #tips, #visuallyimpaired, accessibility, assistive technology, differently abled, disability blog, disability bloggers, disabled people, disabled person, Instagram, Social Media, technology, visually impaired

Visual impairment is not black and white, there are many levels between fully functional vision and being completely blind. Hearing impairment, and mobility impairment also have many varying levels, but in the case of mobility impairment, those differences are more clearly visible – or at least you might think theyRead More …
Facebook improving AI to detect contents of images
January 21, 2021
By: Ted
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Posted in Disability blog, Technology, Travel BlogTags: #accessibility, #blind, #lowvision, #tips, #visuallyimpaired, AI, Blind news, blog about disability, differently abled, disability blog, disability bloggers, disabled people, disabled person, Facebook, Instagram, OCR, Social Media, technology, Twitter, visually impaired

Facebook has increased the usefulness/capabilities of their AI which powers the detection of image contents, improving the experience for blind and visually impaired users. I use this feature often and have seen a marked improvement in the quality of the way Facebook detects people, objects, and locations in posted photos. Read More …